per conoscere, per riflettere, per costruire reti

Chi non ha avuto la fortuna di vederlo giocare si è perso il calcio. Quello vero, quello fatto da uomini che avevano sentimenti. E rispetto per i loro tifosi. Quelli per i quali i soldi venivano dopo.

@cucchiriccardo | Riccardo Cucchi | 23.01.2024

In 2012-2021 the 14 biggest pharma companies spent $747 billion on stock buybacks & dividends, more than the $660 billion they spent on R&D

@MazzucatoM | Maria Mazzucato | 23.01.2024

If there was only one scientific practice I could teach to every scientist regardless of stage or field I think it would be: look at the data. Spot check it. Find a few data points and trace them through to see if they make sense. Look at the raw data. Don’t just do analyses.

@baym | Michael Baym | 19.01.2024

Donazione del corpo post mortem alla scienza. Emilia-Romagna avvia progetto, capofila a livello nazionale

@drsilenzi | Andrea Silenzi | 19.01.2024

Paper mills, which offer articles or reviews to researchers and are run by large scale criminal gangs, have now extended their business into bribing editors.

@Richard56 | Richard Smith | 19.01.2024

According to this graph by @jean_twenge, college students were less in favor of free speech in 2019 than in any previous year. The peak of free speech was in the 1970s and 80s. It has been all downhill since the late 1980s, when political correctness first arose.

@paulg | Paul Graham | 18.01.2024

With the promise and harm of technology, and an ever widening gap between rich and poor, the case for considering technological determinants of health is strong, writes @KamranAbbasi

@TheBMJ_Latest | The BMJ | 18.01.2024

‘All that shit I said about lights out for humanity? Yeah, just geek trash-talkin’, y’know?’ OpenAI’s Sam Altman says human-level AI is coming but will change world much less than we think

@JeffJarvis | 17.01.2024

Austerity is correlated with slower improvements in mortality in high-income countries. In case you missed it, this analysis from November 2022 provides evidence that the architects of austerity, no doubt, will ignore.

@MichaelMarmot | Sir Michael Marmot | 13.01.2024

I bambini sono l’anello più debole in questa spirale di guerra. Save the children diffonde un numero straziante: oltre 10.000 sono stati uccisi in quasi 100 giorni. Ma a questa macabra contabilità manca un dato ed è quello dei bambini scomparsi, almeno 4.000

@ZiaLull1 | Lucia Goracci | 13.01.2024

Today our comprehensive review of the social determinants of #mentalhealth was published in @WPA_Psychiatry World Psychiatry. Our piece reviews the current evidence on causes & prevention, & makes 7 recommendations framed around social justice.

@ProfKirkbride | James B. Kirkbride | 12.01.2024

But Oransky fears that the recent obsession over plagiarism overlooks other trends that he considers far more troubling. ... “There is far more bad behavior and corruption in academia than anyone wants to admit,” he said.

@RetractionWatch | Retraction Watch | 9.01.2024

@MauroBiani | Mauro Biani | 9.01.2024

Parla l’urbanista del Politecnico di Milano: «Le città sono schiave della speculazione e della standardizzazione. Serve una nuova dimensione collettiva, perché tornino abitabili» @GranataElena

@Avvenire_Nei | Avvenire | 6.01.2024

Bisogna complimentarsi per l’efficace preveggenza dei nostri decisori nazionali e locali, per la tempestività della loro prevenzione, per la grande campagna informativa e vaccinale, per il rafforzamento del nostro SSN, in particolare dei pronto soccorso, bravi bravi bravi

@WRicciardi | Walter Ricciardi | 4.01.2024

According to the latest CDC COVID-19 wastewater data, we are currently in the second-biggest surge of the pandemic. It will peak in the next week, with ~2 million infections per day. During this surge, ~100 million people total (~1 in 3 people in the US) will likely get COVID.

@LuckyTran | Dr. Lucky Tran | 2.01.2024

Michael de Adder, The Washington Post

@EandPCartoons | Editorial and Political Cartoons | 2.01.2024

Ho letto di un novax che ha sparato a qualcuno per sbaglio durante i festeggiamenti di capodanno. Tutto quadra.

@ScaltritiLab | Maurizio Scaltriti | 1.01.2024