per conoscere, per riflettere, per costruire reti

“Quando si fa comunicazione la parola chiave deve essere rispetto, dobbiamo pensare sempre di parlare a persone che rispettiamo. Da qui poi deriva tutto il resto: responsabilità, coerenza, trasparenza”. Così @RobiVil conclude il suo intervento alla riunione di Forward.

@forwardRPM | Forward | 22.04.2021

When Roman Abramovich is needed to set the moral standards, you know things ain’t good.

@MazzucatoM | Mariana Mazzucato | 21.04.21

E il Parma retrocede, quest’anno, un anno in cui altri pretendono di avere il diritto di non retrocedere mai. Noi ci siamo meritati di andare in serie B e andiamo in serie B, e io tengo per il Parma ancora più di prima, se mai fosse possibile.

@paolonori | Paolo Nori | 20.04.21

I am looking for 11 people to join me to create a #SuperMedTwitter. We can let someone else in sometimes. It’s a great idea, and I am sure no one else out of it would feel offended. #Superleague

@DrMCecconi | Maurizio Cecconi | 20.04.21

Nostro, un tributo italiano a Bernard Lown per @CUOREE1

@camialderighi | Camilla Alderighi | 18.04.2021

A good news story to celebrate. In health care, we’re trying to emulate the success of aviation’s nationwide incident reporting and data-sharing system. And we still have a long way to go.

@Atul_Gawande ! Atul Gawande | 17.04.2021

Despite dire warnings, a stockpile of ready antiviral drugs to fight viral pandemics like COVID-19 was sorely lacking. Can drugmakers finally do the right thing?

@Nature | Nature | 17.04.2021

There’s still a lot of uncertainty around the characteristics and risk from newly identified variants of interest/concern, but as ever in this pandemic, we can’t rely on the promise of future certainty when there’s a potential problem to deal with now.

@AdamJKucharski | Adam Kucharski | 17.04.2021

Pourquoi le monde? pourquoi la vie? pourquoi l’humain? pourquoi moi? pourquoi pourquoi?

@EdgarMorinParis | Edgar Morin | 17.04.2021

Making a declaration of interest does not equal managing that interest

@mgtmccartney | Margaret McCartney | 16.04.2021

NEW: the variant thought to be responsible for fuelling India’s grim second wave (B.1.617) has been found in the UK, and numbers are rising relatively quickly in Britain.

Quick thread on caveats:


1) Numbers are very small (<100 sequenced cases so far), which means random variation and patterns in testing can play an outsized role in driving the overall trajectory. We can see this with the Brazilian and South African variants, whose trends are anything but established.

2) We have vaccines now, so key question is not just “is B.1.617 spreading fast?”, it’s also “do the vaccines work as well on B.1.617 as they do on B.1.1.7?” We don’t know the answer to that yet, but with vaccinations rolling out in India, I suspect we’ll start to find out soon.

3) We don’t have sufficient evidence right now to say B.1.617 will continue its growth trend, and whether or not it does we don’t know whether it will set back the progress we’ve made on vaccinations. So for me, this goes in the “one to keep a very close eye on” bracket.

4) An aside: there’s a lot of noise about variants in the UK at the moment. It’s good to be wary and to keep a very close eye on things, but some of what I’ve seen has crossed the line into alarmism.

5) The alarmist stuff is generally not giving people any information they can use, but is fanning fear among the already extremely anxious.

6) The numbers we‘re talking about here are tiny. Sometimes 2 or 3 confirmed cases in a week. That means huge uncertainty around trends, so we should be very careful about using words like “surge”. /ends/

@JBurnMurdoch | John Burn-Murdoch | 16.04.2021

Talking about serious illness is difficult in any circumstance. But these conversations are so important. Clinicians and patients should engage in conversations about wishes and goals to help inform future care. #ACPDay2021

@ChoosingWiselyCA | Choosing Wisely Canada | 16.04.2021

Blu notte, rosso carminio. Ho parlato del Bianco con

@mannocchia | Francesca Mannocchi | 14.04.2021

The best physicians I met in my career taught me to listen to patients and respect their wishes. They also taught me that often less is more.

@DrMCecconi | Maurizio Cecconi | 13.04.2021

In a rational world the fact that the FDA halted the J&J vaccine for a one in a million rare side effect would actually serve to reinforce our faith in the vaccines.

@cardiobrief | Larry Husten | 13.04.2021

Disagreements about WSJ content reported in today’s NYT gives me flashbacks about my battle with MMS over NEJM content in the 1990s. Still don’t regret not pandering to commercial interests.

@jpkassirer | Jerome Kassirer | 11.04.2021

Our covid times

@EricTopol | Eric Topol | 10.04.2021

Oggi tornano in piazza i movimenti per la sanità pubblica e contro i brevetti sui vaccini. Il governo italiano è allineato a Usa e Uk contro India, Sudafrica e altri 100 paesi. Ma alla salute non c’era un ministro della sinistra?

@andcapocci | Andrea Capocci | 10.04.2021

Important work from on conflicts of interest published now in Journal of Cancer Policy. Led by @dmeyzie18 with Dr. Booth’s mentorship. Also featuring @epi_rad and @VPrasadMDMPH!

@oncology_bg | Bishal Gyawali | 7.04.2021

Tant d’espoirs non réalisées, tant d’amours non déclarés, tant d’opportunités perdues dans une vie.

@EdgarMorinParis | Edgar Morin | 7.04.2021

JAMA questioning whether racism even exists in medicine is surfacing complaints that JAMA and other elite medical journals have routinely excluded, minimized, and mishandled issues of race.

@Richard56 | Richard Smith | 7.04.2021

“For every 8 hours of scheduled patient time, ambulatory physicians spend more than 5 hours on the EHR.”

@hmkYale | Harlan Krumholz | 5.04.2021

“One email at a time, one informational interview after another, I became comfortable, confident, and strategic in building my network of mentors. Here’s what I have learned.”

@ScienceMagazine | Science Magazine | 04.04.2021

Augurio e rinascita. Due parole che oggi sentiremo spesso ma che dovrebbero essere più che un saluto e un credo: un programma.

@AntonioAddis2 | Antonio Addis | 4.04.2021