per conoscere, per riflettere, per costruire reti

Qualche anno fa, nostra figlia era piccola, ci siamo separati, io e sua mamma, Francesca, e in quel periodo, per un lavoro, ho riletto Guerra e pace, e in quella lettura di Guerra e pace ci ho trovato una cosa che non ci avevo mai trovato

@paolonori | Paolo Nori | 27.03.2022

Almeno 20 miliardi di spesa sanitaria potrebbero essere risparmiati: oltre la metà dei medici italiani riconosce di prescrivere più accertamenti e più farmaci del necessario per compiacere i propri assistiti

@domanigiornale | Domani | 26.03.2022

Global north declaring the end of the pandemic Cartoon by @mackaycartoons

@paimadhu | Madhu pai | 26.03.2022

Collecting the data and stories that made up this story has been harrowing. But it’s crucial that we understand not just who is facing public abuse, and what forms that abuse takes – we also need to understand why it’s happening.

@cathleenogrady | Cathleen O’Grady | 25.03.2022

#GRADE now provides guidance for rating the certainty of evidence regarding #prognosis : how confident can we be in the relative and absolute risks authors claim for risk factors for bad outcomes, and factors increasing probability of good outcomes.

@GuyattGH | Gordon H. Guyatt | 24.03.2022

Ucraina, un mese di #guerra ... Non c’è alternativa alla guerra? Se lo chiede Gianni Tognoni del Tribunale permanente dei popoli. “La guerra ha svelato che il fattore più critico è l’assenza di un’ipotesi forte, alternativa, motivata, documentata di pace”.

@ilpunto_OMCeO | | 24.03.2022

At the end of my career, I will not care at all what my h-index is or how many papers I published. However, I will care tremendously whether I was a good mentor and had a positive impact on the lives of others. I want to live those values every day from now until then.

@jenheemstra | Jen Heemstra | 23.03.2022

2 years ago today, the first person entered the RECOVERY trial. Since then, together we have found 4 treatments that reduce mortality - results that have been adopted worldwide and saved countless lives. Thank you to every one of those people who have made such a difference.

@MartinLandray | Martin Landray | 19.03.2022

A dieci anni dalla morte di Alessandro Liberati, ricordiamo i principi che hanno guidato l’azione del medico e ricercatore, fondatore del centro italiano della @cochranecollab

@associali | Associazione Alessandro Liberati | 17.03.2022

Sul BMJ una lettera dedicata ad Alessandro Liberati sulla solitudine dovuta all’incertezza. Perché uno dei determinanti della solitudine dei pazienti è il disallineamento tra la ricerca di cui c’è bisogno e quella che viene realizzata. Ale lo sapeva bene

@associali | Associazione Alessandro Liberati | 17.03.2022

“There is no real gain in labelling a study as “real-world.” [...] it does not clarify nor add any information about the study design in studies titles”

@rbanzi | Rita Banzi | 16.03.2022

Given current situation in Hong Kong, it’s astonishing that there’s anyone still out there who thinks that not taking COVID seriously in 2020-21 would have worked out fine 1/2

There’s a lot of discussion to be had about what specific measures were more effective/efficient, role of strong guidance vs mandates, and what capacity/plans should have been put in place long ahead of the pandemic. But let’s ground these discussions in reality. 2/2

@AdamJKucharski | Adam Kucharski | 14.03.2022

Nessuno si salva da solo. Cooperazione internazionale necessaria per affrontare grandi temi mondiali. Scienza e medicina ne sono esempio. Rebecca De Fiore - “Una nuova Emergenza. Dove cade la bomba?”

@SaluteLazio | Salute Lazio | 9.03.2022

Some countries can donate arms very quickly but not vaccines

@paimadhu | Madhu Pai | 9.03.2022

The epidemic of Covid complacency. Isn’t it great? The pandemic is over. We don’t need masks. The virus is contained. Forget about vaccines since they don’t work. The vulnerable are protected. Future variants will be benign. *But none of this is true*

@EricTopol | Eric Topol | 7.03.2022

Chilling but accurate. In today’s FT.

@richardhorton1 | Richard Horton | 5.03.2022

Thousands of Russian doctors and other healthcare workers have signed an open letter to Vladimir Putin urging him to cease hostilities against Ukraine

@Garethiacobucci | Gareth Iacobucci | 03.03.2022

We should replace the phrase PFS with a less ambiguous phrase PFI (progression-free interval). The “survival” in PFS can be misleading. A pleasure to write this paper in @TheLancetOncol

@oncology_bg | Bishal gyawali | 01.03.2022