per conoscere, per riflettere, per costruire reti

The thing is... the pandemic could be over if we stopped pretending and did the important work to actually end it.

@joaquinlife | Joaquín Beltran | 22.09.2022

#22settembre Non si muore solo sul lavoro ma anche per lavoro. Due giovani operai hanno perso la vita dormendo nella baracca del cantiere comasco dove operavano. Tornare a casa costava troppo. Sulle condizioni del lavoro povero le luci si accendono solo quando c’è una disgrazia

@Reale¬_Scenari | Roberto Reale | 22.09.2022

Full support for women all over the world, and especially now in Iran. Women should be able to study what ever they want, wear whatever they like, and practice any profession they are able to, without being arrested or killed.

@MicrobiomDigest | Elisabeth Bik | 22.09.2022

We need to work on the human sustainability of healthcare. Industrial healthcare kills the soul of healers. Careful and kind care can contribute to thriving again. This is #WhyWeRevolt

@vmontori | Victor Montori | 21.09.2022

Why the pandemic isn’t over yet and how we can get there faster

@EricTopoll | Eric Topol | 20.09.2022

Even as some leaders are declaring the pandemic ‘over,’ spare a thought for 2.5 billion people who have not yet received a single shot of the Covid vaccine

@paimadhu | Madhu Pai | 20.09.2022

Such a good one. “Some observational studies are correct. I just don’t know which ones.”

@adamcifu | Adam Cifu | 19.09.2022

apprends ta connaissance avant tes connaissances

@edgarmorinparis | Edgar Morin | 19.09.2022

Page 40, The Times today. The pandemic is not over, lessons have not been learned, and we can expect over 500,000 more deaths globally by Jan 1. Well done world.

@richardhorton1 | Richard Horton | 17.09.2022

“That complex, fragmentary, doubt-provoking knowledge that we call truth.” George Eliot

@Richard56 | Richard Smith | 17.09.2022

A matter of perspective

@brunolaeng | Bruno Laeng | 16.09.2022

Take a look at this headline. This is based on an unpublished conference abstract (being presented today at an endocrinology meeting) of a study on rats.

@PeteEtchells | Pete Etchells | 16.09.2022

Non so se anche voi, dopo questi due anni di covid e anche senza averlo preso, (depressione a parte) fate ancora fatica a fare tutto e non c’è verso di rialzarsi. Per me è così.

@pecoraro_fr | Francesco Pecoraro | 15.09.2022

What kind of prime minister will Liz Truss be?

@TheEconomist | The Economist | 15.09.2022

non mi auguro la vittoria di nessuno. Mi auguro che si smetta ora di combattere, uccidere innocenti. Ci si metta a discutere. E se si discuterà per decenni, come a Cipro o Belfast, pazienza. Il problema delle guerre non è chi vince: è come evitarle e fermarle

@carlorovelli | Carlo Rovelli | 14.09.2022

Loujin piccola piccola morta di sete su un barcone nel primo giorno di scuola dei nostri figli. Loujin piccola piccola.

@ValeriaParrell2 | Valeria Parrella | 12.09.2022

Esiste anche una grandezza nel ridicolo. In mezzo alle tante cose mediocremente ridicole e grottesche di questa campagna elettorale si staglia, eroico, il signor Giovanardi con il suo esposto contro Peppapig. Poi applausi (pochi), pernacchie (molte) e sipario.

@GianricoCarof | Gianrico Carofiglio | 9.09.2022

One of my dear patient’s last words were “I’m happy” and I think that is such a beautiful, reassuring coda to a life well lived

@marklewismd | Mark Lewis | 9.09.2022

Quando devo prendere un treno penso sempre che il treno non arriverà mai. Oggi poi c’è anche sciopero, dei treni. Allora quando è arrivato ero così contento. Quando sono contento io, quasi sempre sono così contento. Difficile che sia contento e basta. Buongiorno.

@paolonori | Paolo Nori | 9.09.2022

here is no indoor space more serene and beautiful than a library.

@NAChristakis | Nicholas A. Christakis | 5.09.2022

“Beyond the age of information is the age of choices.” — Charles Eames

@Doctor_V | Bruno Vartabedian | 3.09.2022

Speaking clearly & with fluidity is made easier when our arms & hands are free to move. This is because the neural circuits that link sound & control of the muscles for speech also control the hands. Try speaking while holding your hands clenched & completely still. You’ll see.

@hubermanlab | Andrew D. Huberman | 3.09.2022

A Cure for Vaccine Hesitancy Could Start in Kindergarten… Needed: “...K–12 education to depoliticize health issues, promote health equity and disease prevention...” Hear, hear! #ScienceUpFirst!

@CaulfieldTim | Timothy Caulfield | 2.09.2022

To advocate sobriety is not enough. The future will belong to those who, on the contrary, will know how to find and develop the areas where it is not necessary to be sober. And there are countless of them.

@jattali | Jacques Attali | 1.09.2022