per conoscere, per riflettere, per costruire reti

Più emergono particolari, più si fa inquietante il quadro generale. Decine di ditte, subappalti, operai stranieri in nero. Al di là delle cause del disastro, una giungla nella quale i diritti dei lavoratori e la loro sicurezza non sembrano davvero priorità. #Firenze

@CucchiRiccardo | Riccardo Cucchi | 19.02.2024

“The most surprising thing about the disclosure that King Charles III has been diagnosed with cancer,” writes Miranda Carter, is “that it’s been disclosed at all.”

@nytimes | The New York Times | 19.02.024

Things I wish I’d known sooner about large academic conferences: -You don’t have to attend every session -You don’t have to meet loads of people -Exploring the city you are in is okay to do and not a waste of time -You don’t have to go to all dinners (eating in room is fine)

@ZJAyres | Zoe Ayres | 19.02.2024

It turns out that the FDA, the agency that helps set drug expiration dates, has long known the shelf life of some drugs can be extended, sometimes by years. In fact, the federal government has saved a fortune by doing this.

@propublica | ProPublica | 19.02.2024

Da più di 25 anni politica e informazione che in Italia si oppongono alle destre lo fanno con le stesse formule e gli stessi toni e gli stessi approcci: è dimostrato che non funzionano, anzi. O è pigrizia o è un deliberato e sterile gioco di ruolo, a cui piace essere minoranza.

@lucasofri | Luca Sofri | 19.02.2024

Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter gives him direct access to tens of millions of brains. He is making a zealous effort to change and control those brains by flooding them with hate and misinformation.

@GeorgeLakoff | George Lakoff | 19.02.2024

“Institutions’ silence and their role in silencing...reveals their level of commitment to challenging racial stereotyping and dehumanisation better than statements they have made.” New letter: “Israel–Palestine: dehumanisation and silencing”

@TheLancet | The Lancet | 19.02.2024

Love this description from this review: “hospital time has a particular and peculiar quality… the sensation of continual anxiety and continual boredom…)

@adamcifu | Adam Cifu | 19.02.2024

L’ospedale #Nasser è stato bombardato nelle prime ore di questa mattina, nonostante le forze israeliane avessero detto al personale medico e ai pazienti che potevano rimanere nella struttura. L’ordine di evacuazione per migliaia di sfollati era arrivato il 13 febbraio.

@MSF_ITALIA | Medici senza frontiere | 16.02.2024

No, the biggest threat to the election isn’t AI, nor is it social media. It is humans: Trumpists, insurrectionists, fascists. Technology is a distraction... The biggest online threat to 2024 elections isn’t AI

@jeffjarvis | Jeff Jarvis | 16.02.2024

Sono sul treno che va da Genova a Milano. Lo prendevo da ragazzo, per andare a fare teatro. Era il 1990, ci metteva un’ora e quaranta. Poi siamo andati su Marte. Il treno per Milano da Genova ci mette sempre un’ora e quaranta. Quello del 1990 era anche più bello, il treno.

@LucaBizzarri | Luca Bizzarri | 16.02.2024

“A Nature analysis shows that last year, Hindawi issued more than 9,600 retractions, of which the vast majority — about 8,200 — had a co-author in China.”

@NAChristakis | Nicholas Christakis | 12.02.2024

Made another chart that shows the change more clearly. This chart shows the change per country since 2000.

@MaxCRoser | Max Roser | 11.02.2024

On the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, let’s help girls everywhere pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math. Our world is better with their ideas and perspectives.

@BarakObama | Barak Obama | 11.02.2024

The Lancet’s Richard Horton: ‘We’re going to continue to see health as political’ The Lancet and 23 specialist offspring set up during his editorship have become lucrative source of revenue and profit for Elsevier n its parent company Relx, he notes

@Sridhartweet | Sridhar Venkatapuram | 11.02.2024

Fifteen or so years ago when I started a Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism, I, too, thought the problem was business models. I was wrong. It is journalism. That is why I helped start Engagement Journalism. That is why I argue for more radical reinvention still.

@jeffjarvis | Jeff Jarvis | 11.02.2024

“Rare diseases affect individuals beyond drug development and access... and approaching such diseases in a holistic manner will help to tackle the isolation... experienced by the people who live with them” #RareDiseasesDay

@TheLancetHaem | The Lancet Haematology | 11.02.2024

Rimandiamo. Vedi tu.

@maurobiani | Mauro Biani | 08.02.2024

“The way to restore trust in science and higher education is by earning it,” writes Editor-in-Chief H. Holden Thorp in a new #ScienceEditorial

@ScienceMagazine | Science | 07.02.2024

J&J, Merck, BMS “have hiked the starting price of their most innovative prescription drugs, the report found in a review of FDA approvals. The median launch price of those drugs was about $14,000 between 2004 and 2008; it was more than $238,000 between 2019 and 2023.”

@zainrizvi | Zain Rizvi | 06.02.2024

Voters in Paris have approved an effort to drastically increase parking fees for big SUVs and other heavy cars, the latest move by Mayor Anne Hidalgo to reshape the French capital with environmentally conscious and pedestrian-friendly policies.

@nytimes | New York Times | 6.02.2024

Every time you think you’ve seen the absolute depths of human idiocy on this platform, someone pops up to prove you wrong.

@GeorgeMonbiot | George Monbiot | 05.02.2024

The number of obituaries with the word “suddenly” or “unexpectedly” doubled in 2021-2023.

@AaronKheriatyMD | Aaron Kheriaty | 04.02.2024

Il est peut être catastrophique de dénoncer le catastrophisme comme pure illusion

@edgarmorinparsi | Edgar Morin | 04.02.2024