per conoscere, per riflettere, per costruire reti

Se come medici non alziamo la voce contro la distruzione di ospedali e ambulanze, contro l’uccisione di colleghi nel pieno del loro lavoro, non siamo degni del giuramento che abbiamo fatto all’inizio. Non siamo degni.

@elo_franchi | Eloisa Franchi | 1.04.2024

Al-Shifa hospital in #Gaza this morning, following the end of the latest Israeli siege. I repeat: hospitals must be respected and protected; they must not be used as battlefields.

@DrTedros | Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus | 1.04.2024

I remain a dedicated wearer of ties. White coats, not so much.

@adamcifu | Adam Cifu | 5.04.2024

Sono state trovate decine di pubblicazioni con immagini riciclate tra quelle firmate da tre ruoli apicali del mondo accademico: - il ministro della salute Schillaci. - il presidente della CRUI Cuzzocrea. - il presidente dell’Aifa Nisticò. Iniziative istituzionali? Nessuna.

È pensabile che tre truffatori abbiano scalato i vertici della scienza italiana? Non credo. Più probabilmente c’è un problema endemico e sistemico di riproducibilità e trasparenza nella ricerca scientifica.

Dimissioni, sanzioni, scandali non sono una risposta sufficiente (e comunque non ci sono stati). Servono iniziative sul piano della policy, cioè su - valutazione delle persone - assegnazione di finanziamenti - funzionamento delle riviste scientifiche - strapotere baronale

@andcapocci | Andrea Capocci | 6.04.2024

10 doctors on FDA panel for Abbott heart device had financial ties to the company

@DavidHilzenrath | DavidHilzenrath | 6.04.2024

neanche una Università italiana nelle prime 100, l’investimento più basso tra i paesi del G7 (come quello sulla sanità), andiamo benissimo

@WRicciardi | Walter Ricciardi | 7.04.2024

Study finds most effective food safety technique just eating it and seeing what happens

@TheOnion | The Onion | 7.04.2024

Viewpoint discusses the challenges involved with secondary health care data collection vs primary data collection and provides a list of suggested data checks before registration of a study protocol using secondary data

@JAMA_current | JAMA | 9.04.2024

This is my favorite part about medical science. When you think you know something, actual evidence kicks you in the shins

@drjohnm | John Mandrola | 10.04.2024

@TheNewYorker | The New Yorker | 10.04.2024

The words ‘just in case’ are destroying the NHS. Go to A&E ‘just in case’, ‘I’ll get a scan just in case’. If we truly want the NHS to work we need to accept that we can never get it right 100% of the time. This is a very difficult message.

@docib | Iain Beardsell | 11.04.2024

The more I read, the more I get worried about psychedelic assisted psychotherapy breaking all the rules of running trials. “ Potential participants can include current and past patients of the researchers” Current patients? For a trial you are running? Where is the equipoise?

@IoanaA_Cristea | Ioana Cristea | 11.04.2024

An appeal to my fellow radiologists: Stop writing odd, highly technical or obscure normal findings in reports Can you imagine a physician writing a letter to a GP saying: “The patient has cerulean blue irises, 5mm pupils and type 5 eyebrows” It adds nothing and just confuses

@PMccoubrie | Paul Mc Coubrie | 11.04.2024

There’s big potential to change the way and the timing that pancreatic cancer is detected. @Aiims1742 and I teamed up for this new @TheLancet essay

@EricTopol | Eric Topol | 12.04.2024

Towards eliminating avoidable harm in health care

@pash22 | Ash Paul | 12.04.2024

Deep down, even the proponents of invalid and untested surrogate endpoints, know that OS matters. That’s why there is (appropriate) celebration when a drug improves OS but I wonder where that acknowledgment of the importance of OS endpoint disappears when cheerleading marginal drugs based on 20% RR in 30 patients.

Also, when OS has improved, you should ask the following questions 1. Did the control arm get standard of care? 2. Did the control arm get crossover’d to the experimental arm if the experimental drug is already SOC at relapse? 3. Did the control arm get appropriate post protocol therapy? 3. What was the impact on QOL? 4. What is the magnitude of benefit? Not just the P-value but the c-value (clinical significance)

@oncology_bg | Bishal Gyawali | 18.04.2024

Helps correct a common misperception about nudging. It is *not* about telling people what to do, it is about improving household decision making *in markets*. Defaults are common in the private sector, for good and bad. Same order as last time? Good. Hard to unsubscribe: Bad.

@R_Thaler | Richard H. Thaler | 21.04.2024

Bad news: in reporting results of a high impact observational study, most of the media used an inappropriate causal language and made recommendations unsupported by the research. Our analysis on @BMJ_EBM

@camialderighi | Camilla Alderighi | 21.04.2024

Cerchiamo di dirla sinteticamente: qualcuno dice che parlare di antifascismo, oggi, sarebbe divisivo. L’antifascismo è la matrice della nostra Costituzione e della nostra Repubblica. Chi dice che l’antifascismo è divisivo è contro la Costituzione, contro la Repubblica.

@CianricoCarof | Gianrico Carofiglio | 21.04.2024